The Liturgical Year
Dom Prosper Guéranger
Abbot of Solesmes
Restoring Sacred Time—How the Liturgical Year deepens Catholic faith
Bishop Peter J. Elliott
The Season of Advent
The theme of Advent is the coming of the Lord, the approach of the King coming from a distance. The four weeks move toward the coming of the Christ. This period is filled not only with somber reflection and penitential preparation, but also with festive anticipation. ‘Lift up your heads for your redemption is at hand!’ (Luke 21.28)
‘Art thou who is to come, or shall we look for another?’ Matt. 11.13)
‘And all mankind shall see the salvation of God!’ (Luke 3.6)
The unfolding of the Mariam mystery is included insofar as it has an advent character. Again and again the prayers and longing of the Chosen People are heard together with the obscure prophecy of their greatest prophet: ‘Let justice descend, O heavens, like dew from above! Let the earth open and salvation bud forth: the Saviour and Lord!’ (Is. 45.8)
Permeating everything, however, and above all else, the call to penance by St. John the Baptist resounds: ‘Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!’ (Matt 3.2)
All the texts, both of Christmas and Advent, show that a twofold appearance is indicated: the coming of Christ in the flesh and his coming at the final judgement. The two Epiphanies are joined together insofar as the messianic day of judgement begins at Christmas.
‘Now is the judgement of the world; now will the prince of the world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.’ (John 12.3)
The advent of Christ places his second coming in mysterio. His death and his resurrection, however, realise in obscurity what his Parousia unveils to the whole world—the Lord is the Victor. And as Victor he is, therefore, Judge and Saviour.
The Great Antiphons
Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas, from Crib to Cross
Why Did God Become Human?
Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Director of the Thomistic Institute, Rome
The Incarnate, Sacramental & Redeeming Christ at Christmas
Fr. Albert Trudel, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Mary & the Victory over Evil
Fr. John Corbett, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Aquinas on the Blessed Mother: Her Freedom, Her Genius, Her Beauty
Fr. Thomas Petri, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
St. Joseph: The Saviour of Our Saviour
Fr. Basil Cole, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Reading the Old Testament as a Catholic
Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Director of the Thomistic Institute, Rome
Grace & Anxiety: Spiritual Growth in a Time of Turmoil
Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.
Roman Catholic Theologian
Director of the Thomistic Institute, Washington D.C.
The Hillbilly Thomists
Dominican Bluegrass Band
Has the Star of Bethlehem Returned?
Holy Liturgy, Holy Living: Lessons from the Book of Leviticus
Vern Steiner
The Logos Localised: The Heart of the Authentic Inculturation
Roland Millare
Cultus, Culture, and Counterculture
Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B
Dies Domini—On Liturgical Prayer
Apostolic Letter of Pope St. John Paul II
On Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy
This is the Day the Lord Has Made
Fr. Marcus Mallick
With 2020 Hindsight, Dare to be Fearless in 2021
Christopher Carstens
The Diabolical New Disorder
Edward Feser
Roman Catholic Philosopher
What Was the Holy Roman Empire?
Edward Feser
Roman Catholic Philosopher
Septuagesimatide: A Sensible Approach to the Desert Days of Lent
Peter Day-Milne
The Liturgy the Basis of Social Regeneration
Dom Virgil Michel, OSB
The Liturgy—Truly Human, Truly Divine
Louis Bouyer on the Transfiguration of the Sacred by the Divine Sacrifice of the Eucharist
Keith Lemna
Medieval Assent: Communion of Body and Soul as an Ascending Model for Liturgy
Timothy P. O’Malley
Holy Week: Where It Happen in Jerusalem
Sacred Triduum Retreat
Thomistic Institute
Maundy Thursday
The Eucharist & Spiritual Communion
Via Dolorosa
The Passion of Our Lord
The Death of God
Christ’s Decent into Hell
The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
1st Lenten Sermon
Raniero Cardinal Cantalamessa, O.F.M.
Preacher to the Papal Household
2nd Lenten Sermon
Raniero Cardinal Cantalamessa, O.F.M.
Preacher to the Papal Household
3rd Lenten Sermon
Raniero Cardinal Cantalamessa, O.F.M.
Preacher to the Papal Household
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis
St.Peter’s Basilica
Ash Wednesday
February 17, 2021
Believing in Charity Calls Forth Charity
Pope Benedict XVI
Lenten Message
Let Us Be Concerned For Each Other, To Stir a Response in Love and Good Works (Her 10:24)
Pope Benedict XVI
Lenten Message
Encyclical Letter: Populorum Progressio
Pope St. Paul VI
Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World
Gaudium et Spes
Vatican II
Suffering, Sacrifice, and Leadership
Capt. Joseph McInerney
Professor of Applied Ethics at U.S.Naval Academy
(Lecture given at West Point: U.S.Military Academy)
Holy Weeks Past and Present
Fr. Aaron Williams
The Lenten Station Churches of Rome
Video Series
The Catholic Traveler
The Stations of the Cross by St. Francis of Assisi
Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem
Christian Media Center
The Holy Sepulcher
Christian Media Center: Jerusalem
Walking Tour of the Church of Holy Sepulchre
The Spark of Faith: Understanding the Power of Reaching Out to God
Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P.
Theologian to the Papal Household
This is a The Good Shepherd in Late Antique and Early Christian Art
Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris
Catacomb of St.Priscilla, Rome
Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris
Rogation Days
Pentecost: Potential Riches in an Impoverished Season
Peter Day-Milne
Espritu Santo
Veni Sancte Spiritus
A Short History of the Roman Rite of Mass
The Last Supper—The First Mass
A Short History of the Roman Rite of Mass
Part II
Questions in the Quest for the Origins of the Eucharist
Fr. Michael Lang
A Short History of the Roman Rite of Mass
Part III
The Third Century between Peaceful Growth and Persecution
Fr. Michael Lang
A Short History of the Roman Rite
Part IV
Early Eucharistic Prayers: Oral Improvisation and Sacred language
Fr. Michael Lang
A Short History of the Roman Rite
Part V
After the Peace of the Church: Liturgy in the Christian Empire
Fr. Michael Lang
A Short History of the Roman Rite
Part VI
The Formative Period of the Latin Litury
Fr. Michael Lang
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